Wednesday, March 28, 2012

rock band video

Whenever I go to Lea's house, some of our time is spent playing rock band. For some reason, we decided to make a video of us playing rock band. We put on clothes and make-up to make us look like emo peeps with a rock band. We chose a song and took the video. After we were finished, we looked at the video. It was so weird!!! During the whole thing my head was cut out because I'm so much taller than Lea and it was fit to fit her height. At some parts Lea and me were doing these strange kicks and jumps, claps and a whole bunch of  weird things, and for my guitar solo I was like on knees doing this weird thing....Before we watched it, we said we would post it on facebook, after we watched it, we decided to keep it more of a private thing. All in all, it was fun while we were doing it, but after we just looked like total losers that needs some serious help.

locked out

when tila aka tiffany was over at my house, we went upstairs to go get a snack, but we didn't really want my bro to go into my room, so we locked it then closed it cuz its the kind of door where you can unlock it with a toothpick, so we locked it, went upstairs, got a snack, and i didnt have a lot of practice with that back then, so i tried and tried, but i couldn't unlock it! so eventually my bro was the one who had to unlock the door!XD

bloody mary

Lea and I had just finished reading the story of "Bloody Mary". We decided it would be funny to trick her older brother into believing it was true. We told him the story and said that we had tried it and it had worked. (just to convinced him though) He went in the washroom, did the whole thing and came out with a scared look on his face. He said that it actually worked and her face was creepy. Lea and I burst out laughing saying that we hadn't actually done it and the whole was just a made up story. He got so mad at us and starting spazing out. It was so funny!!!

powered by batteries

since me and tila live like 80 kms apart we like sending eachother funny gifts and stuff, so one day tila aka tiffany sends me two batteries and wrote 'stick these in your nose and send me a pic of it' but she was just kidding, but i did it anyways and i send her the pic! it was so funny!


While I was at Lea's house we wanted to do something we've never done before. We decided to make a lemonade stand. We made the lemonade and called the stand "refreshers". We set up the stand at the end of Lea's driveway. Then we sat there....waiting.....for come. It was so embarrassing because all the neighbor kids were just riding past us on their bikes starring at us. We asked some of them if they wanted to buy some but they just responded, "why would we if we can just get our mom to make us some for free?". Like come on!!! Just because you don't see lemonade stands around Lea's neighborhood, doesn't mean you have to be rude about it!  Anyways, that was a pretty big epic fail for us, but it was still fun! Oh, and we ended up making popsicles out of the left over lemonade.

have you ever felt like youre being watched?

one night i was over at tila's aka Tiffanys house for the night and everything felt creepy! All of a sudden tila says 'look over there! theres a banana in the tree and hes smoking a pipe!' so i try to see it but i cant. then she says 'now its playing a ukelele!' but i couldnt see it, so i just say, 'I feel like a unicorn is watching us...' so she laughs, then we look around, you know, to make sure no unicorn was watching us! then we see my robe on the chair and it looked like diddy kong! it was hilarious how much hilucinations we saw that night!

homemade lemonade

During the summer Lea came over to my house for about a week. During that week we decided to make a lemonade stand. So we brought out a table, made a sign and of course made lemonade. Then we set everything up and started waiting. We waited, and waited and waited. All of a sudden a car drove up to us and asked us how much it would cost to fill up two regular size water bottles. We sold one cup for 25 cents so one water bottle would be about $1.00. So I took the bottles and started filling them up. While I was doing that Lea was sitting there holding a big rock in her hand. After they left and payed us, I asked Lea why she was holding that rock when they were here. She responded and said that the guy had looked at her creepy and in case he would attack, she would a defense mechanism. It was so funny since she was totally serious!

who knew food could fly?

there was this guy at bible camp who, im not 100% sure, but i think he was trying to impress mine and tilas cabin leader #1, so he talks and talks, all of a sudden he moves his head quickly, and a bit of food flies out of his mouth! it was so funny! me, tila and cabin leader #2 just burst out laughing, but cabin leader #1 had no idea why we were laughing! so funny!:D

look, look, smile and wave

Lea and I usually go to camp together during the summer, and in 2009 we went together for the first time. While we were there, there was a guy, and for some strange reason we thought he was cute. So one day after the guy finished announcing everything, Lea and I decided that we should say hi to him. So while we were waiting in line to get out of the chapel we started waving at him. So we stood there waving at this guy for a few minutes trying to get his attention, then finally we thought we got his attention but he just looked the other way again. So we kept waving and eventually he looked at us. Then all of a sudden a huge smile spread across his face and he started waving like crazy!!! It was so funny!!  Me and Lea could not stop laughing!

fire! fire! where?!

when me and Tila aka Tiffany went to bible camp, we were playing this game in drama where you have to make up a whole story and act it out with another person, so a girl that was also in that class asked us what she should act out, so we tell her that she should do a fire scene where she puts the fire out with a fork, so she gets up on stage and yells 'fire!' then the other person on stage plays along with the scene and yells 'fire!' then the girl who made the whole thing up says 'where?!' and she was totally not kidding, so me and tila get a hunormous laugh attack! it was hilarious!!!!!!XD and when me and tila went out of the room everyone was staring at us like we were freaks cuz we were laughing so hard!!!!!

eww gross

In 2009, Lea just moved back from Paraguay to Canada. Before she moved to Paraguay we were best friends so when she moved back to Canada we were SO excited. One day Lea and her mom came over to my house for a visit. Lea and I went into my room to go play cards. I was sick at the time and I had a runny nose. While we were playing I let out a huge sneeze and thought nothing of it. Then all of a sudden Lea yells out, "EWW GROSS!!!!" and was looking at her pants. There on her left leg was a big pile of snot!!! It was SO disgusting, but that disgusting moment was our first, and I'm pretty sure it's our best, memory.

squashed banana

so... me and Tila aka Tiffany were playing truth or dare, and the dare was to peel a banana without using your hands, so we go upstairs to my kitchen to do that, then we ran down the stairs with half peeled bananas, then my banana broke off on the last stair and i accedentally stepped on it and it felt so cool!!!!!XD
- Lea