Wednesday, March 28, 2012


While I was at Lea's house we wanted to do something we've never done before. We decided to make a lemonade stand. We made the lemonade and called the stand "refreshers". We set up the stand at the end of Lea's driveway. Then we sat there....waiting.....for come. It was so embarrassing because all the neighbor kids were just riding past us on their bikes starring at us. We asked some of them if they wanted to buy some but they just responded, "why would we if we can just get our mom to make us some for free?". Like come on!!! Just because you don't see lemonade stands around Lea's neighborhood, doesn't mean you have to be rude about it!  Anyways, that was a pretty big epic fail for us, but it was still fun! Oh, and we ended up making popsicles out of the left over lemonade.

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