Wednesday, March 28, 2012

fire! fire! where?!

when me and Tila aka Tiffany went to bible camp, we were playing this game in drama where you have to make up a whole story and act it out with another person, so a girl that was also in that class asked us what she should act out, so we tell her that she should do a fire scene where she puts the fire out with a fork, so she gets up on stage and yells 'fire!' then the other person on stage plays along with the scene and yells 'fire!' then the girl who made the whole thing up says 'where?!' and she was totally not kidding, so me and tila get a hunormous laugh attack! it was hilarious!!!!!!XD and when me and tila went out of the room everyone was staring at us like we were freaks cuz we were laughing so hard!!!!!

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